English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "dronkenskap" verwys na die toestand van bedwelmheid van alkohol of ander middels, tot die punt waar 'n mens se gedrag en vermoëns aansienlik benadeel word. Dit is 'n toestand waarin 'n persoon oormatige hoeveelhede alkohol ingeneem het, wat lei tot onduidelike spraak, verswakte oordeel, verlies aan koördinasie en ander simptome wat ernstige gevolge kan hê, beide vir die individu en vir diegene rondom hulle. Dronkenskap kan gevaarlik wees, wat lei tot ongelukke, gesondheidsprobleme en ander negatiewe uitkomste. Dit word oor die algemeen as 'n vorm van dwelmmisbruik beskou, en kan met verslawing en ander geestesgesondheidskwessies geassosieer word.


  1. drink
  2. drinking
  3. boozing
  4. crapulence

Sentence Examples

  1. For every fifty men and women that he questioned, perhaps two would be guilty of some crime, and mostly, it was petty theft or drunkenness.
  2. And then my anger and drunkenness led me to make a big mistake.
  3. He had dealt with her drunkenness before and it always ended in arguing.
  4. The thought of a duty unfulfilled shook off his torpor, and he hurried from the abode of drunkenness.
  5. I could just about set my watch to her drunkenness.
  6. The cries of the fakirs were just ceasing the Indians were in the act of plunging themselves into the drunkenness caused by liquid opium mingled with hemp, and it might be possible to slip between them to the temple itself.
  7. She felt that half this folly must be drunkenness, and therefore could hope that it might belong only to the passing hour.
  8. He thought that the time had not yet arrived to divulge to his master what had taken place between the detective and himself and, in the account he gave of his absence, he simply excused himself for having been overtaken by drunkenness, in smoking opium at a tavern in Hong Kong.
  9. I would fain keep sober always and there are infinite degrees of drunkenness.