English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "druppel" is 'n klein druppel vloeistof. Dit kan verwys na 'n klein stukkie vloeistof wat van 'n groter liggaam vloeistof geskei het, of dit kan verwys na 'n klein hoeveelheid vloeistof wat op 'n oppervlak gespuit of gespat is. Druppels kan gemaak word van verskeie stowwe, soos water, olie of sweet, en kan in baie verskillende kontekste gevind word, soos in reën, mis of mis.

Sentence Examples

  1. I find it strange that I feel sanctified as I stand there, allowing the downpour to soothe my body, envisioning each droplet washing away my worries.
  2. Gudrun administered another droplet into his mouth.
  3. When he moved his hand away, she darted her tongue out and captured that sparkling droplet from the tip of his cock before it could fall onto the carpet beneath her.
  4. The guardian caught a droplet and his jaw dropped.
  5. But after one droplet falls in a lake, it measures from one side to the other.
  6. A droplet of water fell from the ceiling and rippled across the dark depths.
  7. He brushed the matted locks of hair out of her face, revealing a small bump on her head and a droplet of blood trickling down her face.
  8. A clear, sparkling droplet hung from the end, poised to drop.