English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "dryfhout" is:Selfstandige naamwoord:Hout wat deur die werking van winde, getye op 'n kus of strand uitgespoel is of golwe.'n Stuk hout wat op water dryf.Voorbeeld gebruik: "Die strand was besaai met stukke dryfhout, wat ingebring is deur die gety."

Sentence Examples

  1. Too smooth and even-sided for driftwood, a red haired watcher follows its joggling progression until a gorse thicket hides it from her view.
  2. It has already been stated that the upper half of the island was a naked rock, and destitute of any other defenses than a few scattered logs of driftwood.
  3. We spread towels on the sand beside a driftwood log and undressed.
  4. The dead and for the most part unmerchantable wood behind my house, and the driftwood from the pond, have supplied the remainder of my fuel.
  5. At the back of a beach, he uncovered a raft made of driftwood that he used to pass over the water.
  6. The one who hit Tommy with the piece of driftwood.
  7. Driftwood branches stand out like bones against the gray sand.