English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "dryf" is die handeling om meegevoer te word deur 'n stroom van lug of water, of die handeling om doelloos of sonder doel te beweeg. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n bestuurstegniek waar die bestuurder die motor doelbewus oorstuur, wat veroorsaak dat die agterwiele traksie verloor en sywaarts gly, terwyl beheer en rigting van die voertuig behou word. Oor die algemeen impliseer die term "dryf" 'n gebrek aan beheer of 'n afwyking van 'n reguit of beoogde pad.

Sentence Examples

  1. Closing my eyes, I inhaled the scent of old books, new books, and a tinge of espresso drifting down from the upstairs coffee bar.
  2. Lance noticed her eyes drifting toward the swordsmen whenever Esteban wielded a weapon.
  3. Despite wearing his gold circlet, sweaty hair dangled before his face, drifting in and out of his field of vision.
  4. A few minutes later, Stormaway appeared drifting through the air between the trees.
  5. Mark nodded, locks of unkempt hair drifting across his forehead, those pools of blue filling slowly with gloom.
  6. Yet he found his gaze drifting over to the sleeping bundle that was his First Knight.
  7. I close my eyes and feel myself drifting away, like I did the first evening spent in this room.
  8. Just as he was drifting back to sleep, a feeling of intense irritation overcame him.
  9. I tried to occupy myself with the small library Hawke had been accumulating for me, but the texts were even more tiring with the sweat slowly drifting down my face.
  10. We called for a supper from the kitchens and spent the rest of the night in companionable quiet, drifting off with full bellies and minds at ease.