English to afrikaans meaning of

Die verlede tyd van die werkwoord "droom" is "gedroom" (of "gedroom")."gedroom" beteken:om 'n reeks van gedagtes, visioene of gevoelens tydens slaap;om te geniet in dagdrome of fantasieƫ;om die moontlikheid te oorweeg om iets te doen of om iets te bereik; ofom iets te bedink of te verbeel.

Sentence Examples

  1. But would any number of men have dreamed of resorting to such an expedient?
  2. He might have deceived himself that she had never been there at all, that everything that had happened between them had been nothing more than the most delicious dream he had ever dreamed, but her scent lingered.
  3. And to have an Aurorian faery on our side would give him more power than he ever dreamed.
  4. Now she dreamed of taking up for real the running craze that had started at the beginning of the eighties.
  5. Only I never dreamed the levees would actually break and flood the city.
  6. Once I even drifted to sleep and dreamed I was there.
  7. I had always dreamed of our wedding day and the perfect family we would have.
  8. How could she ever have dreamed that her father had killed her mother, and was involved in the slaughter of the entire royal family?
  9. It was something I had never even dreamed of, yet the nameless man stood at the bottom of the step and looked at me expectantly.
  10. I have been in love with you since I was a girl, and I have dreamed of you for many long years.

TV Series Examples



Every girl in the Seven Kingdoms dreamed