English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Laaie kan verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is die mees algemene definisies van die woord:'n Meubel met 'n stel skuif- of skarnierpanele wat ontwerp is om items soos klere, papiere of gereedskap te hou.'n Persoon wat teken, soos 'n kunstenaar of 'n tekenaar.'n Houer wat in of uit 'n groter stuk gly van meubels, soos 'n lessenaar of kas, en word gebruik vir die berging van items.'n Doosvormige houer wat onder 'n bed of ander meubelstuk uitgetrek kan word , gebruik vir berging.'n Persoon wat in beheer is van 'n lotery of 'n lotery, en verantwoordelik is om die wenkaartjie of nommer te trek.

Sentence Examples

  1. Out of the kitchen utensils, I select the knife with the longest blade and sharpen it on the steel I found in a drawer.
  2. Upon closer examination, I realized the lower section of the box was actually a drawer, which was wedged shut.
  3. Past-due notices to renew my registration were piling up in a junk drawer at home.
  4. Disgusted, I grabbed the pepper spray out of my dresser drawer, shoved it in my pocket, and darted through the house.
  5. After grabbing a table knife, I gently pried the edges of the drawer loose and gasped in surprise when two thin diaries appeared.
  6. I shove everything back and close the drawer, ignoring the fingers of a rubber glove poking out.
  7. Silently, James heads to his desk and removes a key from the back of a drawer and hands it to Lori.
  8. Sap oozes and I capture what I can and take it back to the kitchen where I find a clean tea towel in a drawer.
  9. Hoping to locate the spare key to the mill house, I rummage through the bottom kitchen drawer.
  10. I closed the cash drawer, keeping my fingers away from the metal sides.