English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "dramaties" is: op 'n skielike, treffende of indrukwekkende manier; met baie drama of spanning; met oordrewe of teatrale klem. Dit is 'n bywoord wat dikwels gebruik word om 'n skielike of betekenisvolle verandering of aksie te beskryf wat 'n diepgaande of noemenswaardige impak op 'n situasie of persoon het.

Sentence Examples

  1. Rather dramatically and foolishly, Jake put the key in the lock, opened the door and flung himself inside, slamming the door closed, all achieved in less than a second.
  2. Her condition had deteriorated dramatically in the few hours since Lance had seen her.
  3. Her Netherworld power had increased dramatically over the last few weeks.
  4. Several times he lost his footing, stumbled, and went over on his ankle, not dramatically, but enough to send a twinge right up through his spine.
  5. The last slide of the presentation featuring her new Nitrovex logo faded onto the screen dramatically.
  6. Brooke tried to keep a straight face, noticing how Padrake gesticulated dramatically whenever he spoke.
  7. Pulling back his small fist dramatically, Chris punched with all his might.
  8. Lance sensed their hesitation and lunged dramatically with the blade, causing both teens to turn and bolt out of sight down the dark, empty street.
  9. She heard her mother gasp dramatically and quickened her step so she could get lost in the crowd until late evening when she and her mother would depart.
  10. Madison flicked her hand my way and paused dramatically before proceeding.