English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "dramaties" is soos volg:byvoeglike naamwoord:Verband met drama of die uitvoering van drama; gekenmerk deur of in staat tot treffende of indrukwekkende kontras; teatraal van aard. Voorbeeldsin: Die toneelstuk het 'n dramatiese einde gehad wat die gehoor op die punt van hul stoele gelaat het.Skielik en treffend in effek of voorkoms; aandag trek; hoogs opvallend of betekenisvol. Voorbeeldsin: Daar was 'n dramatiese verandering in die weer soos die storm ingerol het.Betreffend of kenmerkend van drama, soos oordrewe of emosionele gedrag; teatraal of spoggerig van aard. Voorbeeldsin: Hy het 'n dramatiese ingang gemaak, sy arms geswaai en geskree.Gemerk deur opgewondenheid, spanning of spanning; opwindende; intens. Voorbeeldsin: Die film het baie dramatiese oomblikke gehad wat die kykers betrokke gehou het.Oordrewe of pronkerig in wyse, spraak of voorkoms; teatraal of flambojant. Voorbeeldsin: Sy het 'n dramatiese vertoning by die prysuitdeling gelewer, wat almal se aandag getrek het.Wat betrekking het op of die gebruik van aanskoulike, treffende of oordrewe taal of uitdrukking behels; kragtig of impakvol. Voorbeeldsin: Die politikus se toespraak was gevul met dramatiese stellings en kragtige retoriek.Let wel: Die betekenis van "dramaties" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Although our entry here is quite dramatic, the first age of our lives begins with only observation.
  2. Our second trip through the marketplace saw a dramatic drop in the number of dirty looks we got, though there were plenty of people who snickered as they passed by Hawke, pointing to his bright robe.
  3. The two intimidating boys clasped hands firmly and bumped fists with dramatic flair.
  4. Her blond hair was bound in an elegant chignon, her makeup dramatic yet tasteful.
  5. I heard the valley referred to recently as the bohemian north, in reference to the artists and market traders and alternative types living up on this little plateau, drawn by the seclusion, and the softer, greener, though no less dramatic views.
  6. Too dramatic for my taste, but I needed to keep my job.
  7. Her makeup is very deliberate and dramatic, with bright red lipstick and enough eyeliner and shadow to give her raccoon eyes.
  8. The news cameras rolled, taking in every violent moment while the flashing red lights of police and paramedic vehicles cast a dramatic strobe-light effect over the scene.
  9. Capstick carefully opened the ring-binder, partly to avoid throwing more dust around and partly for dramatic effect.
  10. The media people, catching every dramatic moment, looked ecstatic.