English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord het "gedop" veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:Om dwelms of ander middels aan 'n persoon of dier toe te dien om hul geestelike of fisiese toestand te verander. Om 'n vreemde stof by 'n materiaal te voeg om die eienskappe daarvan te verander.Om onsuiwerhede by 'n halfgeleiermateriaal te voeg om sy elektriese geleidingsvermoë te verbeter.Om 'n persoon of groep te voorsien van inligting wat nie bedoel is om openbaar gemaak te word nie.As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord kan "gedop" beteken:Onder die invloed van dwelms of alkohol.Behandel met 'n dopingmiddel om sy eienskappe te verander, soos 'n gedoteerde halfgeleiermateriaal.

Sentence Examples

  1. Still hoping, I suppose, to impress the pants off her, I used my ever-so-superior experience to analyze all the ways in and out of the town and traced his movements, eventually discovering him on a sand-and-palm-tree island, doped up on acid and weed, shagging a Russian girl whose assets and free-spirit made him temporarily forget Sophie even existed.
  2. From a quantitative point of view now, this time last year, go figure, his coming to the village, the abun-dance of stimuli, the fresh air, the nature, the iodine of the sea, the swimming, the carefreeness of holi-daymaking had all unexpectedly doped him up, so much that within a week he had written as much as it had taken him more than a month to do in the city.