English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "skenker" is 'n persoon of entiteit wat iets gee of skenk, tipies geld of 'n liggaamsorgaan, aan 'n saak of 'n ander persoon in nood. 'n Skenker is iemand wat ondersteuning, hulp of hulp aan iemand of iets verskaf sonder om iets terug te verwag. In mediese kontekste kan 'n skenker verwys na 'n persoon wat bloed, organe of weefsels skenk vir oorplanting aan 'n ander persoon.

Sentence Examples

  1. He highlighted the ones that would run out during the year and the need to replenish donor funding to allow the affected teams to continue their work.
  2. If a donor is interested, a detailed proposal is developed.
  3. In addition to choosing, modifying, and piloting the curriculum, Wendy was asked to help pursue donor funding to support the program long-term.
  4. Much like the joy of meeting up again with the text every morn-ing, mixed with the curiosity of whether it will react to my hinting, the apprehension about whether the transplant, with myself as the donor, which I sewed into it the previous day was rejected as a foreign body, if the ideas I fed it, instead of being digested, caused a bellyache, the words I added, an anaphylactic shock.
  5. Through a few published lists of businesses and financial, civil, and other institutions as well as online research and colleague information, Wendy created a potential donor list to start targeting.
  6. The donor meetings fell through as well, so we spent our time, during the week, helping on the proposal and doing our Kenya work.
  7. These are used to begin a discussion with a donor who may be interested in funding the project.
  8. Some practices in the donor community make this situation harder for all development organizations.
  9. We were waiting to go to a meeting with a potential donor.
  10. After several rounds, we got a number of concept papers into very good shape and sent them on to headquarters for donor discussions.