English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "donna" het veelvuldige betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks en taal wat gebruik word.In Italiaans is "donna" 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat "vrou" of "dame" beteken.In Spaans is "donna" nie 'n erkende woord nie. Die korrekte spelling is "doña," wat 'n eretitel is wat gebruik word om 'n vrou van hoë rang of sosiale aansien aan te spreek, soos 'n edelvrou of 'n vroulike lid van die geestelikes.In Engels, "donna" word nie algemeen as 'n selfstandige woord gebruik nie. Dit kan egter 'n verkorte weergawe van die naam "Madonna" wees of 'n verwysing na die popsangeres Madonna.

Sentence Examples

  1. Gus and Donna were watching their daughter walk Mouse around a brown circle trodden into the snow.
  2. Put it this way, it was pretty rough when Donna left, but I got over it for Kat.
  3. At morning chore time, I found Donna walking Mouse.
  4. For years, Donna has wanted sole ownership of our shared condo on the Virginia coast.
  5. Donna Rogers for her artistic talent in cover design.
  6. Stuff being sensible if they kept the cottage, it was imperative to eradicate the last traces of Donna.
  7. Photos of Donna and her ballooning belly and one with them cuddling, his hand on her bump, both tired and excited.