English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "donkie" verwys na 'n klein mak lid van die perdefamilie met lang ore, 'n snerpende stem en 'n reputasie vir hardkoppigheid. Dit word ook soms as 'n neerhalende term gebruik om 'n persoon te beskryf wat as dom, dwaas of onbekwaam beskou word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Few travelers spared a glance for the young shepherd boy, and none stopped to talk until Seguv stepped off the shimmering road in early afternoon, leading his donkey up to my perch on the hillside.
  2. I hitched my sack higher on my shoulder, wishing I could put it on the donkey that waited at his side.
  3. Within an ace of being Count was he, And would have been but for the spite and gall Of this vile age, mean and illiberal, That cannot even let a donkey be.
  4. He was wearing green overalls and a dark donkey jacket.
  5. She took him through the markets, and they sampled Illyrian wines, which he liked more than the Elládosi ones, and Phrygian ones, which he claimed tasted of donkey piss.
  6. The cry of a donkey stopped me in my tracks, just as I emerged from the edge of the trees.
  7. Coming into and out of these areas were donkey carts, hand-drawn carts, bicycles, and an occasional truck, all loaded with various supplies or produce.
  8. I really must talk to him about purchasing a donkey.
  9. The farmers delivered their milk by whatever means they could, such as by bicycle or donkey, to Nyala, where it was weighed and tested for quality before being put into the large cooling tank.
  10. There was no fairground, no dodgems or candy-floss van, no donkey rides not one, single slot-machine.