English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "heerskappy" is:Soewereiniteit of beheer oor 'n gebied, wat dikwels in 'n historiese of politieke konteks gebruik word.Die mag om te regeer of regeer; gesag.'n Gebied of domein wat deur 'n bepaalde heerser of regering beheer word.Beheer of invloed oor iets.Hoogste gesag of soewereiniteit; die goddelike reg om te heers.Voorbeeldsin: Die Britse Ryk was 'n versameling van heerskappye en gebiede onder beheer van die Britse Kroon.

Sentence Examples

  1. The vampires outnumbered us, but we fought for dominion, not to exterminate.
  2. The British Crown exercises a real and despotic dominion over the larger portion of this vast country, and has a governor-general stationed at Calcutta, governors at Madras, Bombay, and in Bengal, and a lieutenant-governor at Agra.
  3. And he dared not let the Dominion know the depth of the conflict raging within him.
  4. He slammed his palms onto the paper-strewn desktop and leaned across to thrust his face into that of the Dominion seated on the other side.
  5. Aramael whirled to face her and hot, liquid humiliation washed over him at the idea of the Dominion bearing witness to his internal struggle.
  6. You have absolute dominion over the future of the woodfolk if you want it and I can already see the vultures gathering, waiting to use your influence.
  7. The English have not been able to secure complete dominion over this territory, which is subjected to the influence of rajahs, whom it is almost impossible to reach in their inaccessible mountain fastnesses.
  8. My brother will not let me go to the dominion of men to feed anymore.
  9. Their heritage demanded high expectations of him but also provided a foundation of strength and dominion stretching back over a thousand years.
  10. He struggled for air, and to keep his reaction from the Dominion.

TV Series Examples



Your dominion over the Vale begins now!