English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "koepel" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:'n Geronde gewelf of dak, wat tipies 'n simmetriese halfrond of halfsirkel vorm, wat dikwels gebruik word om 'n groot oop ruimte, soos 'n kerk, moskee of regeringsgebou.'n Sirkelvormige of elliptiese struktuur, dikwels gemaak van deursigtige materiaal, wat 'n horlosie, kompas, of ander instrument.'n Koepelvormige of geronde voorwerp of deel, soos die bokant van 'n sampioen of die boonste deel van 'n helm. 'n Natuurlike geologiese formasie, soos 'n berg of heuwel, wat 'n geronde of koepelagtige vorm het.(slang) 'n Persoon se kop of skedel .

Sentence Examples

  1. A great gilded dome covered the top of the enormous structure, with flags poking out every so often on the rooftop, creating a sort of crown around it.
  2. When he chose to take a walk it was with a regular step in the entrance hall with its mosaic flooring, or in the circular gallery with its dome supported by twenty red porphyry Ionic columns, and illumined by blue painted windows.
  3. Every arrow or shaft of power that struck the bronze dome around him reflected back at a different angle, ricocheting around the Great Hall, injuring and killing guards randomly.
  4. With a very slow wave, he changed his shield from a dome to a curved wall in front of him.
  5. Tarkyn stood motionless within his bronze dome, head held high, masking his desperation.
  6. Getting up from the bench, he rolled his sore shoulders and turned the dome light on again.
  7. Unlike every other Christian church in the city, the Temple did not have a spire or bell tower, it had a dome as if it belonged in the center of power in Washington and, towering over this, three spires.
  8. My guardian let out a battle cry, and just like that, the dome of attackers was hurled away from him in every direction.
  9. He was completely bald with a smooth, polished dome and gray eyes that regarded her with polite interest.
  10. The customary dome of the Trajan style was cracked open like an egg, the building itself overgrown with dead vines and crusted with mold, but it looked sturdy.