English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "dogmatisme" is die neiging om beginsels neer te lê as onbetwisbaar waar, sonder inagneming van bewyse of die menings van ander. Dit kan ook verwys na die nakoming van 'n spesifieke stel oortuigings of leerstellings, dikwels op 'n wyse wat onverdraagsaam is teenoor andersdenkende of verskillende standpunte.


  1. bigotry

Sentence Examples

  1. During the remainder of the journey the licentiate held forth to them on the excellences of the sword, with such conclusive arguments, and such figures and mathematical proofs, that all were convinced of the value of the science, and Corchuelo cured of his dogmatism.