English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "dodge" kan verskil op grond van die gebruik daarvan, maar hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:Om vinnig en skielik eenkant toe te beweeg of uit die pad, veral om iets of iemand te vermy. Voorbeeld: Hy het die vuishou ontduik deur na links te beweeg.Om te ontduik of te vermy ('n vraag, verantwoordelikheid, ens.) deur bedrog, listigheid of bedrog. Voorbeeld: Die politikus het die vraag oor sy belastingopgawes ontduik.Om iemand te bedrieg of te bedrieg, veral op 'n speelse of humoristiese manier. Voorbeeld: Sy het probeer om haar broer se slenter te ontduik, maar hy het haar in elk geval gevang.'n Vinnige, ontwykende beweging gemaak om iets te vermy. Voorbeeld: Die hardloper het 'n ontduiking gemaak om die verdediger te vermy en 'n afslag aangeteken.'n Slinkse truuk of slenter wat gebruik word om iemand te mislei. Voorbeeld: Die kulkunstenaar het 'n dodge gebruik om die slagoffer se geld te kry.

Sentence Examples

  1. Before Evan could dodge, the demon was on top of him and he was forced to wriggle madly as he held the pincers at bay.
  2. As he left, Kandi pulled up in a shiny red Dodge pickup.
  3. The glass baubles presented her with a plethora of obstacles to dodge past and duck under, and the more she added the more challenging her practices became.
  4. If so, then Lance needed to come up with a new plan to get the hell out of Dodge.
  5. They all turned and watched as they saw Dillon and five younger grade kids jumping all over the Jungle Gym, pretending to dodge blows and battle some unseen foes.
  6. He tried to dodge out of the way, arms covering his head, but only succeeded in crossing paths with a hardback that crashed on top of him.
  7. Brady rammed the back end of a Dodge Shadow, sending it careening off to the side.
  8. Graham Jones, a representative from FirstGroup, was doing his best to dodge a volley of questions from reporters skirting the cordon.
  9. The attacker took the shopkeeper by surprise, and the shopkeeper tried to dodge the first strike.
  10. If there was even the remotest chance he could catch what that woman had, he needed to get the hell out of Dodge.