English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "verdeel" is om in dele of stukke geskei te word, of om in verskillende afdelings of groepe verdeel of opgebreek te word. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n situasie of staat waar daar onenigheid of gebrek aan eenheid tussen 'n groep of gemeenskap is, of waar daar 'n botsing van belange of menings is. Daarbenewens kan "verdeel" gebruik word om 'n wiskundige bewerking te beskryf waar 'n getal in gelyke dele of breuke geskei word.

Sentence Examples

  1. It is divided into many systems, each revolving round its several suns, and often presenting to the rest only the faint glimmer of a milk-and-water way.
  2. His attention was divided between avoiding obstacles in the road and swerving from side to side, trying to keep the other truck from passing them.
  3. In contrast to the glittering entrance hall, the first floor had the appearance of a modern office divided into booths with separate rooms for senior staff.
  4. A Note from Nicole Thank you so much for reading A House Divided.
  5. He divided the one thousand pounds that remained between Passepartout and the unfortunate Fix, against whom he cherished no grudge.
  6. It would be highly likely his force would have been divided.
  7. His travelling overcoat was divided into two unequal parts, and his trousers resembled those of certain Indians, which fit less compactly than they are easy to put on.
  8. With the National Front falling apart and factions splitting off, eventually the key players divided into two camps.
  9. As he withdrew his hand from his pocket, the girl took her chance on his divided attention.
  10. A little before four we arrived at the pit, divided the remainder of the booty, as equally as might be, among us, and, leaving the holes unfilled, again set out for the hut, at which, for the second time, we deposited our golden burthens, just as the first faint streaks of the dawn gleamed from over the tree-tops in the East.