English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord kan "duik" beteken:om kop eerste in die water te dompelom skielik en vinnig te daal of te valom verken onderwater deur te swem of toerusting te gebruikom aan 'n vinnige of skielike beweging of aksie deel te neemom skerp of skielik af te neemAs 'n selfstandige naamwoord , "duik" kan beteken:'n duik of spring in die water'n halsoorkop of skielike afdraande of val'n swem of verken onder die water'n onbetroubare of lae-gehalte onderneming, soos 'n kroeg of restaurant'n skerp of skielike afname

Sentence Examples

  1. You were one of the first who thought people would actually want to read about fairy ointment, and your encouragement was the push I needed to really dive into this story.
  2. He had to dive out of the way in order to avoid being crushed under the massive hulk of the beast and the flying debris it has caused!
  3. This gave Dillon the opportunity he needed to dive gracefully around the side of the creature, roll, and come up in a dead run down the path as he sheathed his sword.
  4. Their heavier mass gives them the ability to fold their wings back and roll into a dive and plummet from the heavens like a stone.
  5. The blow knocked them back which gave Charlie enough time to dive into the elevator before Harry pushed the lobby button and Charlie fell to his knees.
  6. That whole dive into real emotions and share them with the world thing?
  7. The sun was starting its dive behind the buildings in the west, although the sky was still blue, bright, and clear.
  8. That the instructor had to dive for safety was part of my skill.
  9. The move was so sudden that Ryan and Gibson were forced to dive for the ground.
  10. He counted himself lucky and tried to dive toward it but Troy suddenly swung out with one of his arms and hit the boy on the side.