English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "onderskei" is:byvoeglike naamwoordsuksesvol, gesaghebbend en groot respek afdwing.betoon waardigheid. of gesag in voorkoms of wyse.opvallend gemaak deur uitnemendheid; opgemerk; eminent; beroemd.Byvoorbeeld, 'n vooraanstaande professor is 'n hoogs gerespekteerde en bekwame professor, terwyl 'n vooraanstaande loopbaan 'n loopbaan is wat gekenmerk word deur noemenswaardige prestasies en prestasies.

Sentence Examples

  1. Attired after the fashion of the Middle Ages, they bore upon their shoulders a splendid pair of wings but what especially distinguished them was the long noses which were fastened to their faces, and the uses which they made of them.
  2. So he told him he was quite right in pursuing the object he had in view, and that such a motive was natural and becoming in cavaliers as distinguished as he seemed and his gallant bearing showed him to be and that he himself in his younger days had followed the same honourable calling, roaming in quest of adventures in various parts of the world, among others the Curing-grounds of Malaga, the Isles of Riaran, the Precinct of Seville, the Little Market of Segovia, the Olivera of Valencia, the Rondilla of Granada, the Strand of San Lucar, the Colt of Cordova, the Taverns of Toledo, and divers other quarters, where he had proved the nimbleness of his feet and the lightness of his fingers, doing many wrongs, cheating many widows, ruining maids and swindling minors, and, in short, bringing himself under the notice of almost every tribunal and court of justice in Spain until at last he had retired to this castle of his, where he was living upon his property and upon that of others and where he received all knights-errant of whatever rank or condition they might be, all for the great love he bore them and that they might share their substance with him in return for his benevolence.
  3. Soon, they found themselves in another plaza, this one distinguished by a water fountain gushing acid-green water.
  4. The Cervantes branch had more tenacity it sent offshoots in various directions, Andalusia, Estremadura, Galicia, and Portugal, and produced a goodly line of men distinguished in the service of Church and State.
  5. By this time the cries had ceased but, as the party rushed up the first flight of stairs, two or more rough voices in angry contention were distinguished and seemed to proceed from the upper part of the house.
  6. His criticisms are, however, distinguished for scientific precision and coherence of logic.
  7. The head of the procession soon appeared beneath the trees, a hundred paces away and the strange figures who performed the religious ceremony were easily distinguished through the branches.
  8. Nuno Alfonso was almost as distinguished in the struggle against the Moors in the reign of Alfonso VII as the Cid had been half a century before in that of Alfonso VI, and was rewarded by divers grants of land in the neighbourhood of Toledo.
  9. Thus arrayed, and with an easy, sprightly, and gallant air, Don Quixote passed out into another room, where the student was waiting to entertain him while the table was being laid for on the arrival of so distinguished a guest, Doña Christina was anxious to show that she knew how and was able to give a becoming reception to those who came to her house.
  10. Sir Francis was a tall, fair man of fifty, who had greatly distinguished himself in the last Sepoy revolt.