English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "onderskeibaar" is: in staat om as anders of onderskeibaar herken te word; onderskei kan word. Dit verwys na iets wat as uniek of apart van ander dinge ervaar of geïdentifiseer kan word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Jack and Sam leaned closer, trying to make out any distinguishable features or clothing.
  2. I got out several cords of stumps in ploughing, which supplied me with fuel for a long time, and left small circles of virgin mould, easily distinguishable through the summer by the greater luxuriance of the beans there.
  3. A mass of confused, drenched workers morphing into a thickening, moving sea of people, no one person distinguishable from the next.
  4. The steamer soon disappeared, and in an hour afterwards, as the count had said, was scarcely distinguishable in the horizon amidst the fogs of the night.
  5. Then he reappeared, creeping along the earth, from which his dress was hardly distinguishable, directly in the rear of his intended captive.
  6. Whether the path was hardly distinguishable, whether it disappeared, or whether it lay beaten and plain before him, made no sensible difference in his speed or certainty.
  7. At the other end, silent, scarcely visible, and like a shadow, was a sentinel, who was walking up and down before a grotto, which was only distinguishable because in that spot the darkness seemed more dense than elsewhere.
  8. It was unmarked and only distinguishable as a door by the seam around its edges.
  9. This is particularly distinct to one standing on the middle of the pond in winter, just after a light snow has fallen, appearing as a clear undulating white line, unobscured by weeds and twigs, and very obvious a quarter of a mile off in many places where in summer it is hardly distinguishable close at hand.