English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ontwrig" is om te veroorsaak dat iets nie op sy gewone manier kan voortgaan nie, hetsy deur dit te onderbreek of deur chaos of wanorde te veroorsaak. Dit kan ook beteken om uitmekaar te breek of om 'n breuk of onderbreking in iets te veroorsaak. Die woord word dikwels in die konteks van tegnologie of besigheid gebruik, waar dit verwys na 'n nuwe produk of diens wat die manier waarop dinge gedoen word fundamenteel verander, dikwels deur 'n nuwe mark te skep of bestaande produkte of dienste te verplaas.

Sentence Examples

  1. Calder could not help but feel some of the tension leave his body as he watched Radolf and the puppy disrupt the entire room.
  2. I stay as still as possible so as not to disrupt his concentration.
  3. What kept his mind busy were the supposed proof they had against him and the pointless claim that he wanted to disrupt the Council.
  4. Capable of firing bursts of high energy photons coupled with focused sonic waves, the pulse guns could disrupt enemy electrical systems or destroy human targets with extreme and deadly accuracy.
  5. Yes, I am still here, she wanted to say, but held the conviction that anything but a song would disrupt their connection.
  6. Skull was under no illusions what the leaders of the government would do to contain the Eden Plague that threatened to disrupt their comfortable power blocs and politics.
  7. I am not sure that I can disrupt that peace to help creatures who harvest us.
  8. The prime minister was awaiting word from him so he could disrupt their secret meeting.
  9. I ease around the corner of the porch, not wanting to disrupt the sanctity of that earlier moment.
  10. Without it, we will not be able to hit vital targets behind enemy lines, disrupt supply lines, or draw strength away from their river defenses.