English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "respekvol" is om 'n gebrek aan respek of hoflikheid te toon, onbeleefd, onbeskof of beledigend teenoor iemand of iets te wees. Dit impliseer 'n miskenning van die gevoelens, opinies of regte van ander, en behels dikwels gedrag wat as onvanpas of aanstootlik beskou word. Sommige sinonieme vir oneerbiedig sluit in onbeleefd, astrant, brutaal, onbeskof en onbeskaafd.

Sentence Examples

  1. And yet he could tell that they were not being deliberately disrespectful.
  2. A sky funeral seemed disrespectful, lackadaisical.
  3. I guess they feel sharing about someone without their permission is disrespectful to that person.
  4. There was something distasteful and disrespectful in the laugh that sent Sam over the edge.