English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verval" is die toestand van swak toestand as gevolg van verwaarlosing of gebrek aan onderhoud. Dit kan verwys na die toestand van 'n gebou, 'n stuk toerusting, of enigiets wat agteruitgegaan het weens 'n gebrek aan sorg of instandhouding. Dit impliseer 'n toestand van ongebruik of disintegrasie, wat dikwels suggereer dat herstelwerk nodig is om iets na sy regte toestand te herstel.

Sentence Examples

  1. Most of those greenhouses had fallen into disrepair, growing wild and untended, with hundreds of hectares of vegetables rotting in the ground.
  2. Old floorboards are stacked in a corner, those still in place in disrepair.
  3. It looked like it would take two men to move the wheel, if it would turn at all in its current state of disrepair.
  4. Wylie already knew that Lugwallow Parish was an eyesore, but she dearly loved the Parson Thomas Fleming, and knew that it was his age, not his lack of desire to fix things that kept it in disrepair.
  5. To his left, a boatyard full of yachts and vessels lay in various states of disrepair, waiting their turn for the huge crane to cradle them back into the slow running waters of the Lymington river.
  6. Perhaps some were for animals as were the many barbed-wire pens and corrals, also in various states of disrepair.