English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek het die woord "verwydering" verskeie betekenisse:Selfstandige naamwoord: Die handeling of proses om van iets ontslae te raak of dit doeltreffend te hanteer, gewoonlik deur weggooi , vernietig of verkoop. Voorbeeldsin: Die behoorlike wegdoening van gevaarlike afval is belangrik vir omgewingsveiligheid.Selfstandige naamwoord: Die toestand van beskikbaar of op 'n mens se bevel; die vermoƫ om iets te gebruik of gebruik te maak. Voorbeeldsin: Die maatskappy het hulpbronne beskikbaar gestel vir die span se beskikking om die projek te voltooi.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Toestel of meganisme wat gebruik word om van afvalmateriaal of vullis ontslae te raak, tipies gevind in kombuise of badkamers; 'n vullisverwydering. Voorbeeldsin: Sy het per ongeluk 'n lepel in die kombuis se beskikking laat val.Selfstandige naamwoord: Die oordrag of oordrag van eiendom, regte of bates aan 'n ander persoon of entiteit. Voorbeeldsin: Die vervreemding van maatskappybates was deel van die herstruktureringsplan.Byvoeglike naamwoord: Word gebruik om iets te beskryf wat bedoel is om na gebruik weggegooi te word; weggooibaar. Voorbeeldsin: Sy het 'n weggooibeker vir haar oggendkoffie gebruik.Byvoeglike naamwoord: Word gebruik om iemand te beskryf wat gewillig en in staat is om iets te doen; vatbaar. Voorbeeldsin: Hy was tot haar beskikking om te help met enige taak wat sy nodig gehad het.Let wel: Die definisie en gebruik van woorde kan verskil na gelang van die konteks en spesifieke woordeboek waarna verwys word aan.


  1. administration

Sentence Examples

  1. They told each other in a few words the events of their lives they showed the true affection of brothers in all its strength then the judge embraced Zoraida, putting all he possessed at her disposal then he made his daughter embrace her, and the fair Christian and the lovely Moor drew fresh tears from every eye.
  2. Quiteria belonged to Basilio and Basilio to Quiteria by the just and beneficent disposal of heaven.
  3. A government with a group of mind readers at its disposal would have an incredible amount of power.
  4. The wealth of the father and the beauty of the daughter led many neighbours as well as strangers to seek her for a wife but he, as one might well be who had the disposal of so rich a jewel, was perplexed and unable to make up his mind to which of her countless suitors he should entrust her.
  5. Three months ago, therefore, I went out to meet him as a knight-errant, under the assumed name of the Knight of the Mirrors, intending to engage him in combat and overcome him without hurting him, making it the condition of our combat that the vanquished should be at the disposal of the victor.
  6. Given the primitive tools at their disposal and a good chance, they may not have even had a language at the time it seems unlikely and impractical they only kept the good ones.
  7. If thou dost acknowledge this fairly and openly, thou shalt escape death and save me the trouble of inflicting it upon thee if thou fightest and I vanquish thee, I demand no other satisfaction than that, laying aside arms and abstaining from going in quest of adventures, thou withdraw and betake thyself to thine own village for the space of a year, and live there without putting hand to sword, in peace and quiet and beneficial repose, the same being needful for the increase of thy substance and the salvation of thy soul and if thou dost vanquish me, my head shall be at thy disposal, my arms and horse thy spoils, and the renown of my deeds transferred and added to thine.
  8. Using the back of her hand, Kayla wiped her mouth and tossed the now empty drink container into a disposal bag.
  9. As to the disposal of forces, it was suggested by the Professor that, after our visit to Carfax, we should all enter the house in Piccadilly that the two doctors and I should remain there, whilst Lord Godalming and Quincey found the lairs at Walworth and Mile End and destroyed them.
  10. Having had some time at my disposal when in London, I had visited the British Museum, and made search among the books and maps in the library regarding Transylvania it had struck me that some foreknowledge of the country could hardly fail to have some importance in dealing with a nobleman of that country.