English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "afsmakend" is om negatiewe of verkleinerende opinies of opmerkings oor iemand of iets uit te spreek, dikwels op 'n manier wat disrespek of minagting toon. Dit kan ook beteken om iemand of iets te kritiseer of te beledig, om hulle op een of ander manier te devalueer of te degradeer.


  1. derogative
  2. derogatory

Sentence Examples

  1. That when and if they deigned to read him, they did so for the pleasure that they would get by disparaging and slat-ing him, as well as, if they were ever to start writing, having him as an example of what to avoid ?
  2. Gunter, thoroughly amused, found the whole thing hilarious and continued to direct disparaging remarks at the building.