English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ontdekking" is die handeling of proses om iets te vind of te leer wat voorheen onbekend of onherken was. Dit kan ook verwys na die ding wat deur hierdie proses gevind of geleer word. In wetenskaplike terme verwys ontdekking na die identifikasie of waarneming van iets nuuts, wat kan lei tot 'n groter begrip van die natuurlike wêreld. Die woord kan ook gebruik word om 'n deurbraak of 'n beduidende besef op enige gebied van kennis of begrip te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. A discovery of a relatively clean water source could revolutionize their efforts in locating new resources.
  2. His life rushed by in fragments, his quiet upbringing alone with his grandma, how it shattered when she died, the bullying from Olly, the miraculous discovery he was a Venator, the weeks of knowing he was being hunted, and now this, seconds away from death.
  3. The Dark-Venators were sure to send more of their kind, to seek the one Kurrlan had killed, but Kurrlan could not risk discovery.
  4. Xaran Ridgeford is on the cusp of a discovery that could have cataclysmic repercussions for the realm.
  5. The last thing she wanted was for her father to find out what she had been up to, not so much because she feared the punishment that would ensue, but because she knew discovery would make it impossible for her to ever sneak away again.
  6. Some bore the brand openly and cursed humanity for it, seemingly uncaring some carried it secretly and silently, ever afraid of discovery.
  7. There were larger issues than the welfare of the man she loved, than the discovery that her mother was still alive, she knew that.
  8. It happened also, on the 23rd of November, that Passepartout made a joyful discovery.
  9. Not wishing to be recognised, the young woman drew back from the window, feeling much alarm at her discovery.
  10. And with the discovery of my uncle, it could also be the beginning of my redemption.