English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "disco" is 'n soort populêre dansmusiek wat in die 1970's gewild was en gekenmerk word deur 'n sterk, gereelde maatslag en die gebruik van sintetiseerders en ander elektroniese instrumente. Die term kan ook verwys na 'n nagklub of danssaal waar disco-musiek gespeel word, of na 'n dansstyl wat in hierdie klubs ontstaan het en gekenmerk word deur energieke, gesinchroniseerde bewegings. Daarbenewens kan "disco" verwys na 'n blink, reflekterende materiaal of oppervlak, tipies gemaak van gepoleerde metaal of plastiek.

Sentence Examples

  1. A disco ball spun up by the retracted basketball hoop, rolling out fragments of sparkly light across the gym floor.
  2. The dance floor was ringed by tables of partygoers who signed furiously, laughed, and sometimes shouted incoherently above the Robert Palmer disco music.
  3. Tonight was supposed to be some kind of fantastic, romantic make-up-for-lost-time scene, with him and Kate whirling under the disco ball in the spotlight dance they never got in high school.
  4. The sunshine sparkling on the ocean reminded me of the disco ball throwing off dots of light at the dance.
  5. Colored spotlights lit up a sparkling rainbow, and a disco ball swirled, reflecting dots of light that danced around the gym.
  6. Multicolored lights mounted on poles randomly blinked on and off while a disco ball hanging from the old scoreboard in the center of the ceiling rotated colored squares of light around the room.
  7. On a better day with a good catch and homeward bound, this song never failed to result in a full-scale disco inferno on the Nipper.
  8. A disco ball swirled mirrored stars around the darkened room.
  9. They began to rotate together under the disco ball.