English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord dissipel is:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n persoon wat iemand anders volg en leer, veral 'n godsdienstige leier of onderwyser; 'n volgeling of student van 'n bepaalde persoon, filosofie of lewenswyse.Die term "dissipel" word dikwels in 'n godsdienstige konteks gebruik, veral in die Christendom, Boeddhisme en Hindoeïsme, om iemand te beskryf wat volg die leerstellings en praktyke van 'n bepaalde godsdiensleier of tradisie. Die woord kan egter ook wyer gebruik word om te verwys na iemand wat 'n lojale en toegewyde volgeling van enige soort onderwyser of mentor is.


  1. adherent

Sentence Examples

  1. All called him Master Uriel, but only a true servant or disciple called him Master.
  2. Mot smiled down at his disciple, displaying several missing teeth and deep wrinkles at the eyes.
  3. We turned to see the disciple with the scars pointing at the melon.
  4. When he marked the division between light and darkness, a disciple touched together the wicks of two lamps, merging their flames into one.
  5. He disappeared some twenty years ago, captured on a mission by the demon Disciple Adena.
  6. Enthusiasm cannot cling to what itself is unenthusiastic, nor will he ever have disciples who has not himself impulsive zeal enough to be a disciple.
  7. Akirandon is the most notable Demon Disciple today and the location, or existence, of the other disciples are now unknown.
  8. The other disciple handed up the fallen branches one by one, and I laid them across the top, creating a roof thick enough to provide shade but not shelter.
  9. Other than one disciple who scratched his nose, no sound or movement disturbed their rhythmic breathing.
  10. One disciple appeared older than the rest milky scars mapped his face.