English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ramp" is 'n skielike gebeurtenis, soos 'n ongeluk, 'n natuurramp of 'n mislukking, wat groot skade, verlies of lyding veroorsaak. Dit kan verwys na 'n wye reeks gebeurtenisse, van 'n geringe ongeluk tot 'n groot ramp wat 'n groot aantal mense of 'n hele streek raak. Die term kan ook gebruik word om 'n persoon, ding of situasie te beskryf wat as 'n algehele mislukking of 'n totale verlies beskou word. Oor die algemeen dra die woord "ramp" 'n konnotasie van iets wat onverwags, katastrofies is en aansienlike negatiewe gevolge het.

Sentence Examples

  1. His laugh snaps me out of my trance and I go into disaster recovery mode.
  2. Her eyes glued to the TV, the pictures of the disaster zoomed out as live feed of a press conference took centre screen.
  3. The snapshots of disaster, as I called them, crashed through my life like colossal waves, throwing me off balance and commanding me with no mercy.
  4. I had never seen the good old negro look so dispirited, and I feared that some serious disaster had befallen my friend.
  5. Another public relations disaster like the pizza parlor could damage his reputation beyond repair.
  6. His heart was full, and his conscience tortured by remorse for he accused himself more bitterly than ever of being the cause of the irretrievable disaster.
  7. The disaster that had unfolded and carnage that may come.
  8. A collage from their wedding day hung above the others, their young, fresh faces unprepared for the disaster their marriage would become.
  9. A collapse was out of the question unless a severe unforeseen natural disaster occurred.
  10. Suddenly a malaise so deep and powerful consumes me, knowing normalcy exists outside the borders of my disaster zone.