English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "direk" is:bywoord:In 'n reguit of onmiddellike lyn, koers of wyse; sonder afwyking of ompad; reguit.Voorbeeldsin: Sy het direk na die winkel gestap.Sonder ingrypende persone, invloede, faktore of prosesse; onmiddellik; reguit.Voorbeeldsin: Ek sal direk met die bestuurder praat.Sonder versuim; stiptelik; onmiddellik.Voorbeeldsin: Hy het direk op my versoek gereageer.Sonder dubbelsinnigheid, vaagheid of indireksie; duidelik; eksplisiet.Voorbeeldsin: Die instruksies is direk aan die werknemers gegee.Op 'n reguit of openhartige wyse; eerlik; openlik.Voorbeeldsin: Hy het my direk vertel wat gebeur het.Op 'n wyse wat verband hou met die presiese betekenis, bedoeling , of doel; presies.Voorbeeldsin: Hy het die kwessie direk aangespreek.Let wel: Die betekenis en gebruik van woorde kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Dit is altyd belangrik om die konteks in ag te neem wanneer die betekenis van 'n woord geïnterpreteer word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Ally sat directly next to me, practically in my lap, like she was afraid if she sat too far away she might miss something exciting.
  2. Before I could lose my nerve, I shot a second blast of magic directly at the back wall.
  3. The train was smoking, steaming, and approaching fast, and Ash and the boy were directly in its path.
  4. The Fortress itself was enough to make him gasp in wonderment, but before he could process it all Tarensen had led him directly into the middle castle.
  5. She stood on their sofa, her poisonous green eyes focused directly on him.
  6. Arnvar led him directly towards the huge warrior, Evan struggling with the urge to run the other way.
  7. She wanted to know more, but if she started questioning him directly he might get suspicious.
  8. Bending down, she brushed her lips over his ear and spoke directly into it, so low he had to strain to hear her despite her proximity.
  9. You may not have directly killed her father, and who knows how many others, with your lousy oatmeal, but you stole their government checks and any remnants of their pride.
  10. I suspected where he was going with the conversation but wanted him to ask me directly, before I put my foot in my mouth.