English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "rigting" is die koers of pad waarop iemand of iets beweeg, wys of in die gesig staar. Dit kan ook verwys na die leiding of toesig wat aan iemand of iets verskaf word om 'n bepaalde doel of doelwit te bereik. Daarbenewens kan die woord gebruik word om die instruksies of inligting wat aan iemand verskaf word te beskryf oor hoe om 'n taak uit te voer of 'n bepaalde uitkoms te bereik. Laastens kan "rigting" ook verwys na die bestuur of leierskap van 'n organisasie of span.

Sentence Examples

  1. When they reached the end of the walkway, Carla yanked her hand away and took off in the opposite direction of Striker.
  2. Not a single strand pointed in any different direction than last time.
  3. He spoke loud enough that everyone in the vicinity turned in my direction.
  4. The woman turned in my direction, frightened eyes peering from under her flaxen hair, brighter than any Earth-born person could achieve without dye.
  5. Someone needed to protect her from any accusations cast in her direction.
  6. I rolled both eyes in her direction several times with enough emphasis that they almost got stuck on the final lap.
  7. Letting that twenty-four-year-old know-it-all learn a lesson on his own was a step in the right direction.
  8. I opened the door and stepped into a dark conference room, instantly feeling a chilly breeze blowing in my direction.
  9. If not, her constant tardiness and indecisiveness would drive me batty and send me running in the opposite direction.
  10. Markos laughed so loudly everyone in the office looked in our direction.