English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die meeste standaardwoordeboeke verwys die woord "duiwel" na 'n bonatuurlike wese of entiteit wat tipies met boosheid of kwaadwilligheid geassosieer word. Die duiwel word dikwels uitgebeeld as 'n verpersoonliking van die bose en word algemeen geassosieer met verskeie godsdienste, mitologieë en folklore-tradisies.In Christelike teologie word die duiwel dikwels geïdentifiseer as Satan, die teëstander van God en 'n gevalle engel wat teen sy skepper in opstand gekom het. In populêre kultuur word die duiwel dikwels uitgebeeld as 'n gehoringde, rooivellige wese met 'n stert, gesplete hoewe en 'n hooivurk.Die woord "duiwel" kan ook wyer gebruik word om te verwys na 'n goddelose of kwaadwillige persoon of entiteit, of om iets te beskryf wat uiters moeilik of onaangenaam is om mee te hanteer.

Sentence Examples

  1. He found it in the purple devil lumbering back into clearing.
  2. Evan used an energy bolt next to propel the devil back, off into the trees.
  3. A tall purple devil emerged last, his body humanly muscled, but with bat-like wings and scarlet horns on his head.
  4. The devil hissed a second command and the demons charged.
  5. A strident snap of shattering bone and the devil released him with a shriek.
  6. But Evan was frenzied, as the demon lifted him he used the momentum to head-butt the devil brutally, a split second beforehand using Anatomy magic to make his head hard as steel.
  7. Lok looked like an angel, with his bright blond hair and kind face, whilst Tyrell resembled the devil, darkly handsome and hair black as night.
  8. Arantay turned to him, hefting up the unconscious devil as he did so.
  9. The devil smiled wickedly, revealing black fangs dripping green saliva.
  10. Before he got far Arantay was back in the air, landing on the devil and pinning him to the ground.