English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "toestel" het veelvuldige betekenisse, insluitend:Iets wat vir 'n spesifieke doel uitgevind of ontwerp is: 'n meganiese of elektroniese toestel, instrument of toerusting . Voorbeeld: Sy het 'n kombuistoestel gebruik om die groente in skywe te sny.'n Plan of skema om 'n bepaalde doel te bereik: 'n slim idee of metode. Voorbeeld: Hy het met 'n slim toestel vorendag gekom om sy werkspasie te organiseer.'n Dekoratiewe of artistieke ontwerp: 'n motief of embleem. Voorbeeld: Die kunstenaar het verskeie toestelle gebruik om 'n gevoel van beweging in haar skildery te skep.'n Uitvindsel of vernuf, veral 'n slim of oneerlike een: 'n slenter of truuk. Voorbeeld: Die dief het 'n toestel gebruik om by die kluis in te breek.

Sentence Examples

  1. My fingers had brushed the invisible device clipped to my ear, the one Ada had given me.
  2. Collapsing her listening device, Cianne pocketed it again as the Elders took their leave.
  3. I wheeled around a corner, nearly dropping the device when it vibrated in my hand.
  4. He released my shoulder and stared at the tiny tracking device.
  5. I clipped the Bluetooth-style earpiece on, slid the device into my pocket and grinned at my foster brother.
  6. The device burst in a shower of bright, purplish sparks and sent both of us flying back.
  7. He was fiddling with the Chameleon device and had scattered dismantled bits of metal and wire and god-knew-what all over the table.
  8. Here on Earth, you could only put a small amount of a magic-based energy source into a device like the Chameleon without risking it backfiring on you.
  9. Prior to heading home, I connected my phone to the hands-free device in the Jeep and dialed Nana D.
  10. Pulling her device out again, Cianne could hear her father mumbling, and she was frustrated with herself for missing his words.