English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ontploffing" is die handeling of proses van ontplof of laat ontplof met skielikheid en geweld. Dit kan ook verwys na die ontploffing self, of die klank wat daardeur geproduseer word. Hierdie term word dikwels gebruik met verwysing na die ontploffing van plofstof of die afvuur van binnebrandenjins.

Sentence Examples

  1. There also remained no question as to whether the next launch would achieve impact and detonation.
  2. Flight time, detonation, casualty numbers, environmental and worldwide economic impact.
  3. With their guns out of action, the artillerymen, working with a handful of combat engineers, had prepared their shells for detonation.
  4. Little was left in the room to suggest that two human beings had occupied it prior to the detonation.
  5. A split second later, the entire far bank of the river vanished in an ear-splitting detonation.
  6. A second detonation followed right after the first.
  7. There was also the risk that the detonation might set off the other bricks in the cupboard, for I had forgotten most that I knew about lentonite.