English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vasberadenheid" is die handeling of proses om 'n besluit te neem of 'n oplossing te bereik, of die vasberadenheid van doel of vasberadenheid in die bereiking van 'n doel of doelwit ten spyte van struikelblokke of probleme. Dit kan ook verwys na die kwaliteit om vasbeslote te wees of 'n sterk wil of dryfkrag te hê om sukses te behaal.


  1. conclusion
  2. decision

Sentence Examples

  1. Douglas pushed himself to his feet and this time approached Delila with determination.
  2. But it was her dogged determination and her focused discipline that had led her to develop skills far beyond what any of the House Staerleigh trainers could have taught her.
  3. For three hours Phileas Fogg wandered about the docks, with the determination, if necessary, to charter a vessel to carry him to Yokohama but he could only find vessels which were loading or unloading, and which could not therefore set sail.
  4. With renewed determination, he heads for the bathroom to comb his hair.
  5. Determination was etched in every line of it, yet she also got the impression he was a nice boy, just as he was now a nice man.
  6. In a sudden burst of determination, I grab the weapon and leave the sanctuary of the hut and hobble around the village, venturing further this time, on the lookout for houses with some sort of rear entrance.
  7. She squared her shoulders and gathered her determination before cleaning all traces of her sorrow from her face.
  8. I fortified the many painful holes with determination and sheer will.
  9. All Liz could detect was determination and veins filled with ice.
  10. A little, pert face screwed up in determination as she tried to imitate his movements.