English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bespeur" is om die teenwoordigheid of bestaan van iets wat verborge, onduidelik of nie maklik opmerklik is, te ontdek of raak te sien nie. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om die bestaan van iets te identifiseer of te bepaal, veral iets wat ongewens, gevaarlik of onwettig is. Oor die algemeen impliseer "bespeur" dat iets gevind of aan die lig gebring is deur noukeurige waarneming, ondersoek of ontleding.

Sentence Examples

  1. Until now, he had never detected the amount of energy stored in its core.
  2. Even so, he detected a malign presence, but absurdly, he pressed on.
  3. Our guild would have detected him years ago if he had true mystic gifts.
  4. His quick eye she detected again and again glancing towards them with a happy expression and even, when he might have determined not to look, she was confident that he was often listening.
  5. She scrolled through the data until she detected the frequency and then initiated the connection.
  6. I needed to get closer but worried about being detected.
  7. The limited nature of my education in general, and more especially my ignorance on subjects connected with natural philosophy, so far from rendering me diffident of my own ability to comprehend what I had read, or inducing me to mistrust the many vague notions which had arisen in consequence, merely served as a farther stimulus to imagination and I was vain enough, or perhaps reasonable enough, to doubt whether those crude ideas which, arising in ill-regulated minds, have all the appearance, may not often in effect possess all the force, the reality, and other inherent properties, of instinct or intuition whether, to proceed a step farther, profundity itself might not, in matters of a purely speculative nature, be detected as a legitimate source of falsity and error.
  8. Anyway, Jonathan had managed to spy on the police detail without being detected.
  9. Sometimes a bitter almond smell is detected, but not always.
  10. Taking a look around, his watchful eyes focused on the house, searching for any sign his presence had been detected.