English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "desperaat" is om 'n gevoel van hopeloosheid of wanhoop te voel of te toon, om in 'n moeilike of gevaarlike situasie te wees en 'n sterk behoefte aan iets te voel, of om gewillig te wees om uiterste aksies te neem om iets te bereik. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n situasie of omstandigheid wat ernstig, kritiek of dringend is. Daarbenewens kan die woord gebruik word om 'n persoon te beskryf wat roekeloos is of sonder inagneming van gevolge as gevolg van gevoelens van wanhoop of frustrasie.

Sentence Examples

  1. I had been sure people were desperate to get back home the moment they opened Orleans Parish and the interstate would have been clogged with traffic, but at that moment I got it.
  2. He kissed her as he had longed to kiss her, desperate to prolong the contact with her mouth for as long as he could.
  3. He gave me a desperate look and shook his head slowly, so I acquiesced.
  4. I head through to the kitchen, recalling with anguish and a measure of embarrassment the desperate solitude I endured in the aftermath of the birth, absolute whenever Celestino was at work in his studio, which was more often than not.
  5. Desperate to catch the action, my head snapped up, and I followed their every move as they fought viciously for several minutes.
  6. Magic was forgotten in the desperate scramble that ensued.
  7. The journalist in me is desperate to know what, but my beating heart demands I flee.
  8. Desperate rage consumed him and he felt his whole body burn as the demon grabbed him.
  9. Brooke looked around in anxiously, aware of her own desperate want to see the boy again.
  10. Perhaps it was because she seemed desperate to believe that someone could be working with her instead of alongside her.