English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "woestyn" kan verskeie betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks daarvan. Hier is 'n paar moontlike woordeboekdefinisies:(n.) 'n Kaal of onbewoonde grondgebied, dikwels bedek met sand of rotse en sonder plantegroei en water.( n.) 'n Streek wat baie min reënval ontvang en 'n beperkte kapasiteit het om lewe te onderhou.(v.) Om iemand of iets wat 'n mens 'n plig of verantwoordelikheid het om te versorg, te laat vaar of agter te laat.(byvoeg.) Verwys na 'n soort soet of sout gereg, tipies bedien na 'n maaltyd, gemaak met vrugte, room en/of ander bestanddele.Let wel. dat die uitspraak van "woestyn" verander na gelang van die betekenis daarvan: wanneer dit gebruik word om na 'n onbewoonde land te verwys, word dit uitgespreek met klem op die eerste lettergreep ("DEZ-ert"), terwyl dit as dit gebruik word om na 'n soet gereg te verwys, dit word uitgespreek met klem op die tweede lettergreep ("dez-ERT").

Sentence Examples

  1. For a brief moment, I feel like a survivor washed up on a desert island, awaiting rescue from a passing ship.
  2. He learned the best way to escape into the desert.
  3. Nami stood just outside the group, aiming the Desert Eagle at Murdock.
  4. Other Realmers began to desert the area because of the weather.
  5. He helped himself as generously as if Japan were a desert, where nothing to eat was to be looked for.
  6. The desert looked like it had been struck by a hundred small meteors.
  7. His once athletic frame had sagged and the sharp and agile mind he had taken such pride in had begun to desert him.
  8. It all looks pleasant and neat, a tourist idyll on a desert island, just as Celestino depicted it in his Lanzapoly.
  9. Thus was celebrated the inauguration of this great railroad, a mighty instrument of progress and civilisation, thrown across the desert, and destined to link together cities and towns which do not yet exist.
  10. The engineer, when he found himself in the desert, and the locomotive without cars, understood what had happened.