English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys "deposito" tipies na:'n Bedrag geld wat in 'n bankrekening geplaas word, gewoonlik vir veilige bewaring of as 'n aanvanklike betaling. Voorbeeld: Ek het 'n deposito van $100 in my spaarrekening gemaak.'n Natuurlike ophoping van 'n stof, soos sediment of minerale, wat mettertyd op 'n oppervlak gevestig het. Voorbeeld: Die grot was gevul met afsettings van kalksteen.'n Bedrag geld wat vooruit betaal is as sekuriteit of as deel van 'n groter betaling. Voorbeeld: Ons moes 'n deposito van $500 maak om ons huurwoonstel te verseker.As 'n werkwoord beteken "deponeer" tipies:Om iets op 'n spesifieke plek te plaas of te plaas vir veilige bewaring of berging. Voorbeeld: Sy het haar sleutels in die skottel op die tafel gedeponeer.Om geld in 'n bankrekening of ander finansiële instelling te betaal. Voorbeeld: Hy het sy salaristjek in sy tjekrekening inbetaal.Om 'n laag of ophoping van 'n stof op 'n oppervlak neer te lê. Voorbeeld: Die rivier het 'n laag slik op die walle neergelê.

Sentence Examples

  1. I deposit her in a chair and get her a Coke and a small ham and cheese sandwich.
  2. Both his Amartus side and their Rageto side were just fumbling around in the dark now, hoping for the great River to deposit gifts.
  3. I quickly dismiss my reaction as the workings of an overwrought mind, and deposit the necklace in my pocket.
  4. Neither of us believed in storing legal documents or other such papers in a bank safety deposit box.
  5. I deposit my bag, sunglasses and keys on the table and check the bathroom, accessed via a short passage off the kitchen.
  6. On arrival from Whickham, the man was directed to deposit them in the stables, as directed by Richard who intercepted all communications, as he must, to keep Edward informed.
  7. Fogg had sixteen hours in which to attend to his business there, which was to deposit Aouda safely with her wealthy relative.
  8. When she persistently protests with her little punches, I scoop her small figure into my arms and impatiently deposit her into the passenger seat.
  9. If, for example, there should be a deposition of moisture upon the silk, and the machine begins to descend in consequence, there will be no necessity for discharging ballast to remedy the increase of weight, for it is remedied, or counteracted, in an exactly just proportion, by the deposit on the ground of just so much of the end of the rope as is necessary.
  10. We make our way to the van, one Henry has rented for the trip, and the Friendlys deposit their bags at the back while Richard talks about his newspaper days and grabs the front seat.