English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "digte" is:Om dele of elemente te hê wat dig saamgepak is; styf gepak.Moeilik om deur te sien of te penetreer, veral as gevolg van digte mis of donkerte.Onnosel of stadig om te verstaan; onintelligent.Het 'n hoë massa per volume-eenheid; gekonsentreer.Voorbeelde:Die woud was so dig dat dit moeilik was om deur te loop.Die mis was so dig wat ek skaars voor my kon sien.Hy kan soms 'n bietjie dig wees, maar hy bedoel dit goed.Die koek het 'n digte tekstuur gehad, met baie geur in elke happie verpak.

Sentence Examples

  1. Even for a boy, he seemed to be dense about getting the hint.
  2. Sparkling along the walls and ceiling was dense white magic.
  3. Dean followed it, traffic was dense, three hundred yards to the hospital turn off.
  4. Here the dense undergrowth writhed with a dozen narrow ravines.
  5. Before long, the uncut forest grew dense and dark, and all sense of direction was lost.
  6. Leaving the car safely parked with two wheels on the pavement, I cross Calle la Hoya and round the next corner, passing the small supermarket and entering the tree-lined plaza with its dense laurel leaf canopy.
  7. Copses of dates and dwarf-palms succeeded the dense forests then vast, dry plains, dotted with scanty shrubs, and sown with great blocks of syenite.
  8. He was unafraid of his surroundings, plowing through tall fields of hay or dense forests without any idea where he was headed, not the least bit perturbed by bugs flying into his eyes or seeds up his nose.
  9. Engulfed by dense, gray smoke, my eyes stung, but I continued to tug at the board while burning ashes drifted through the room and the heat intensified.
  10. We pushed our way through what looked like a dense jungle of vines.