English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sloop" is die aksie of proses om 'n gebou, struktuur of ander voorwerp af te breek of te vernietig. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om iets, soos 'n idee of 'n stelsel, heeltemal te vernietig of af te breek.

Sentence Examples

  1. Then he looked down the line to a news team which I believed had covered the story from the demolition site.
  2. Thirty meters away, Logan could hear Crew Chief McKinney cursing at the demolition team.
  3. The ink signs were very alike those Jim had used at the demolition site.
  4. After they left military service, they started a demolition company.
  5. I reached into my pocket and as I pulled out my wad of money, the silver coin from the demolition site went tumbling to the ground.
  6. Over the trees and rooftops, there was a crowd of people on the mountain where the demolition site had been.
  7. Another headline concerns the demolition of the illegal hotels in Playa Blanca, a story Bill is following with keen interest after considering the volumes of concrete involved.
  8. He and his team are demolition experts trained by the Israeli military.
  9. And I was then forced to explain that the courts had condemned the building to demolition.
  10. Noise and debris from collapse will disguise controlled demolition.