English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verruklik" is om groot plesier of bevrediging te veroorsaak of uit te druk; hoogs aangenaam.


  1. delicious

Sentence Examples

  1. We are working together to create a new, silk tulle headdress, which will look delightful with my new bobbed haircut, styled just like Louise Brooks.
  2. On its own, it causes severe itching and irritation, often leading to delightful infections if scratched.
  3. I say, then, that in these and other respects our gallant Don Quixote is worthy of everlasting and notable praise, nor should it be withheld even from me for the labour and pains spent in searching for the conclusion of this delightful history though I know well that if Heaven, chance and good fortune had not helped me, the world would have remained deprived of an entertainment and pleasure that for a couple of hours or so may well occupy him who shall read it attentively.
  4. This delightful avenue with its local shops had sold Anne on living here.
  5. The caterers are perfect and the presentation is delightful.
  6. It seemed to him a terrible thing to have to guide so many wives at once across the vicissitudes of life, and to conduct them, as it were, in a body to the Mormon paradise with the prospect of seeing them in the company of the glorious Smith, who doubtless was the chief ornament of that delightful place, to all eternity.
  7. As we shine our beacons around us we see a delightful dwelling of stalagmites emerging from the cave floor.
  8. He was proud, too, of the popularity and success of the book, and beyond measure delightful is the naivete with which he shows his pride in a dozen passages in the Second Part.
  9. The trip was being accomplished most successfully, and Passepartout was enchanted with the congenial companion which chance had secured him in the person of the delightful Fix.
  10. And for a blissful moment spent basking in a silence that lingered like the last gasp of oxygen in the tank, she felt a delightful concoction of relief and hope.