English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "afgeblaas" is:byvoeglike naamwoord:Om in die steek gelaat te word, in grootte of hoeveelheid verklein, of van selfvertroue of entoesiasme ontneem is . Voorbeeldsin: Nadat hulle die kampioenskapswedstryd verloor het, het die span moedeloos en teleurgesteld gevoel.werkwoord: 2. Om te laat ineenstort of kleiner word deur lug, gas of stof te verwyder. Voorbeeldsin: Die werktuigkundige het die band afgeblaas om 'n lekplek reg te maak.Om die waarde of belangrikheid van iets te verminder. Voorbeeldsin: Die negatiewe resensie het die skrywer se selfvertroue in hul werk laat afblaas.Om selfvertroue, entoesiasme of energie te verloor. Voorbeeldsin: Haar opgewondenheid oor die projek het afgeneem nadat sy veelvuldige terugslae in die gesig gestaar het.Om te verminder of te verlaag, dikwels in verhouding tot pryse, verwagtinge of buie. Voorbeeldsin: Die aandelemark se prestasie het beleggersoptimisme laat afblaas.Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die betekenis van "gedefleer" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.


  1. chopfallen
  2. chapfallen
  3. crestfallen

Sentence Examples

  1. His trick had been the recitation of building codes, which had effectively deflated the problem.
  2. She looked nervous and frightened, but when she saw me, the tension drained from her body, and she drooped like a deflated doll.
  3. His posture, so defiant a moment earlier, deflated as he leaned in toward the fire.
  4. An ambulance sat with its contents disgorged around it, tyres deflated, its bay doors swinging open in the breeze.
  5. When the King announced that Lands End was raised up to a Duchy, and that I was to be the Duke, it deflated Lord Kreager immediately.
  6. His body deflated like a crushed skein of wine, imploding into the bands of void as the symbiote fed until his physical body disintegrated in real time, peeling away in flakes and dissolving in the excess heat of the exchange.
  7. The other prisoners deflated like punctured dolls.
  8. They looked like a combination of park guides, state police, and local SWAT, all of them deflated and tired, but driven forward by anger.
  9. But then something changed, shifted, and her lungs deflated with a tiny hiss.
  10. The drape-yanking, finger-snapping, put-me-on-a-plane-or-else woman deflated and tears welled her eyes.