English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verdedig" is om iets of iemand teen aanval, kritiek of skade te beskerm of te ondersteun. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om te argumenteer of bewyse aan te bied ten gunste van 'n posisie of oortuiging. In sport beteken dit die daad om die opposisie te verhoed om punte aan te teken of te wen deur verdedigend te speel.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Vik have asked for help in defending the entrance they have guarded since our ancestors first entered the High Kanris.
  2. I did then and do now suppose that the eagle which flew away with my box was pursued by two or three others, and forced to let me drop while he was defending himself against the rest, who hoped to share in the prey.
  3. I told them of my yearlong service defending the Baron Anktooth from the onslaught of the Hartooth hordes.
  4. Based on my hot cheeks, my face had done an ample job of defending his manhood.
  5. My meaning, is, that churchmen in peace and quiet pray to Heaven for the welfare of the world, but we soldiers and knights carry into effect what they pray for, defending it with the might of our arms and the edge of our swords, not under shelter but in the open air, a target for the intolerable rays of the sun in summer and the piercing frosts of winter.
  6. I gave Aric a scathing look, but he was too busy defending himself to Carl.
  7. Not like the time you were defending your friend Waterstone.
  8. Ploughing and digging, vinedressing and pruning, are more in my way than defending provinces or kingdoms.
  9. Snarling, Mateo aimed for Silas, but Luke jumped in between the two, defending Silas like a good little wolf.
  10. Of course, when he had been defending me, he had been killing.