English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verstek" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Selfstandige naamwoord: Versuim om 'n verpligting na te kom, veral 'n finansiële een. Byvoorbeeld, "Hy was in gebreke met sy verbandbetalings."Werkwoord: Om te versuim om 'n verpligting of verantwoordelikheid na te kom. Byvoorbeeld, "Sy het haar lening versuim."Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Vooraf gekose opsie of instelling wat outomaties gebruik word, tensy 'n alternatief gespesifiseer word. Byvoorbeeld, "Die versteklettertipe in die program was Times New Roman."Byvoeglike naamwoord: Beskryf iets wat outomaties of by verstek plaasvind, sonder dat dit eksplisiete optrede of ingryping nodig is. Byvoorbeeld, "Die verstekinstelling was om lêers op die lessenaar te stoor."Oor die algemeen word die term "verstek" gebruik om te verwys na 'n situasie waar iets outomaties gebeur of sonder enige uitdruklike optrede, of om 'n situasie te beskryf waar iemand versuim om 'n verpligting of verantwoordelikheid na te kom.

Sentence Examples

  1. Since Matsapha has the only paved runway in Swaziland, it is an international airport by default.
  2. As a result, State Street Bank had underwritten, in the name of Carter Creel, quite a few loans that were now in default.
  3. Unless for default of this renovation, I could see no reason, therefore, why life could not be sustained even in a vacuum for the expansion and compression of chest, commonly called breathing, is action purely muscular, and the cause, not the effect, of respiration.
  4. In default of his assistance, it was necessary to be assured of his neutrality.
  5. There were all those loans that he had written that stood ready to default.
  6. Not willing to let his friend simply win by default, Randolf again kicked his mount forward to the chase.