English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "daglig" is die natuurlike lig van die son gedurende die dag; die tyd tussen sonsopkoms en sonsondergang. Dit kan ook verwys na die hoeveelheid lig wat gedurende die dag sigbaar is of die sigbaarheid wat deur daglig geskep word. Daarbenewens kan "daglig" gebruik word as 'n metaforiese uitdrukking om te verwys na kennis of begrip wat duidelik gemaak of aan die lig gebring word. Byvoorbeeld, "om daglig op 'n probleem te werp" beteken om duidelikheid oor 'n probleem te bring of om dit makliker te verstaan.

Sentence Examples

  1. Especially after I saw the church in the daylight.
  2. Douglas had snuck himself into a ditch and hid until he could move, that was hours ago when it was daylight.
  3. During the daylight hours, it thronged with the business of loading and unloading, haggling and arguing, yelling, bartering, and all the commercial activities associated with the ends of seafaring voyages.
  4. As he dressed, Evan observed his bedroom in daylight for the first time.
  5. Brooke was once again in the forest, but this time it was daylight.
  6. Daylight highlighted the richness of the colors and the quality of the workmanship, creating a pleasant effect, but when the light was low the room had always struck Cianne as oppressive.
  7. The red inside his eyelids told him it was daylight, so a short time later he gingerly opened his eyes a crack to see what effect this had on his head.
  8. But near the customs house there were no such establishments the scene was still, broken only by the occasional bark and angry growl of dogs foraging for the last few scraps that had been ground under foot during the daylight.
  9. What little yellow glow could be thrown on the crime scene from police-issue spotlights was no substitute for natural daylight.
  10. A few towers still yawned upward, casting deep shadows in the waning daylight.