English to afrikaans meaning of

Die bywoord "donker" beteken tipies op 'n manier wat duister, geheimsinnig of somber is, wat dikwels met duisternis of 'n gebrek aan lig geassosieer word. Dit kan ook beteken op 'n manier wat boos of moreel verwerplik is.

Sentence Examples

  1. Harker was still and quiet but over his face, as the awful narrative went on, came a grey look which deepened and deepened in the morning light, till when the first red streak of the coming dawn shot up, the flesh stood darkly out against the whitening hair.
  2. Wearing black from head to foot, the nondescript coat and trousers reminded Dryden of his darkly clad boss.
  3. Lok looked like an angel, with his bright blond hair and kind face, whilst Tyrell resembled the devil, darkly handsome and hair black as night.
  4. His hair gleamed darkly against the bright cerulean.
  5. His sudden combustion startled a cry out of me, but Uraj just chuckled darkly.
  6. I let the blankets fall, wrapped my arms around my chest, and stared darkly at the cold and silent radiator.
  7. Blue blood welled up where they bit his flesh, glistening darkly in the faint moonlight.
  8. Darkly clothed, as was his style, his obscurity was ensured.
  9. It was opened by a burly man, darkly dressed, and with a broad belt containing a wide bladed knife.
  10. His darkly handsome face contorting to an extremely dangerous mask.