English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "durf" is "avontuurlike moed, vreesloos dapper, of vermetel in gedrag of optrede". Dit impliseer 'n bereidwilligheid om risiko's te neem of gevaar in die gesig te staar, dikwels in die nastrewing van 'n doel of doelwit. Durf kan ook gebruik word om 'n persoon te beskryf wat bereid is om konvensies uit te daag of gesag uit te daag, veral in die nastrewing van 'n waardige saak. Sinonieme vir waaghalsigheid sluit vrymoedig, dapper, moedig, vreesloos, onverskrokke en vermetel in.


  1. dare

Sentence Examples

  1. I quickly step back again, not daring to look over in the direction of the reception in case the staff behind the counter think me strange.
  2. This was not the first attempt of these daring Indians, for more than once they had waylaid trains on the road.
  3. Passepartout, not daring to apprise his master of what he heard, listened with set teeth, immovable as a statue.
  4. Fakirs and soldiers and priests, seized with instant terror, lay there, with their faces on the ground, not daring to lift their eyes and behold such a prodigy.
  5. Whereas the Hawke statue stood looking at ease but ready for trouble, this other statue stood with arms crossed defiantly, as if daring trouble to come find it.
  6. Shivering, I climbed the twisting staircase and hurried through the corridors, not daring to glance at the doors hidden in the gloom.
  7. This time I boldly gaze into the pool area, daring that crazy woman to show herself.
  8. His eyes glinted maliciously, daring her to answer him.
  9. I lay perfectly still, not evening daring to breathe.
  10. It was a small skate park, no really big or daring ramps, but it was good enough to hone his skills on, and Lance had used it often.