English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "dans" is 'n reeks ritmiese en gekoördineerde bewegings van die liggaam wat op musiek of betyds op 'n maat uitgevoer word, wat tipies 'n reeks stappe behels. Dans kan 'n vorm van uitdrukking, vermaak, sosiale interaksie, oefening of 'n kulturele tradisie wees. Die woord "dans" kan ook verwys na 'n spesifieke styl of genre van dans, soos ballet, hip-hop, salsa of wals.

Sentence Examples

  1. An image of him performing a crazy celebration dance in the end zone formed in my head, and I started laughing.
  2. I texted back a confirmation and caught sight of my father approaching from the dance floor.
  3. Or watch her dance to some silly cartoon on her iPad.
  4. A bony-knuckled hand snatched it, ending the spinning dance.
  5. Bees dance about amongst the flowers in terracotta tubs on the patio.
  6. Seconds later, he was in the end zone, celebrating a Denver touchdown with a crazy little dance.
  7. Their swords were a blur of motion, sparks flying sporadically as the two weapons choreographed a deadly dance.
  8. Maddox sighs and looks out the window where the wind is forcing the rain to dance against the parking lot in horizontal sheets.
  9. Jake finally quit barking when he saw me, but he began a strange primal dance, crouching from side to side as he bared his teeth and emitted ugly guttural sounds.
  10. I swear she carried a stun gun just to watch people dance for her own pleasure sometimes.

TV Series Examples



The dead will dance here tonight.



this is not the dance of the Westeros



He can dance for the children.