English to afrikaans meaning of

'n silinder word gedefinieer as:a. die oppervlak wat nagespoor word deur 'n reguit lyn wat parallel aan 'n vaste reguit lyn beweeg en 'n vaste planêre geslote kromme sny b. 'n vaste stof wat begrens word deur 'n silindriese oppervlak en twee parallelle vlakke (soos een wat 'n suier omsluit)iets wat die vorm van 'n silinder het, veral: a. 'n buisvormige glas- of plastiekhouer met 'n sirkelvormige deursnee, wat gebruik word om vloeistowwe te hou b. 'n silindriese enjindeel wat binne 'n silinder op en af beweeg en die werkkamer van 'n resiprokerende enjin vorm'n roller op 'n masjien wat om 'n as parallel met die as van rotasie van 'n groter wiel of groep wiele

Sentence Examples

  1. Drilling a small hole, she then jimmied the cylinder inside the locking mechanism.
  2. The mechanism rotated like a revolver cylinder, and a new tube snapped into place.
  3. In the ray of light which entered by the narrow window of his cell, he held open in his left hand, of which alone, it will be recollected, he retained the use, a sheet of paper, which, from being constantly rolled into a small compass, had the form of a cylinder, and was not easily kept open.
  4. Next to the tray stood a metal cylinder filled with black liquid.
  5. Tubes ran out of each cylinder into the whirring machinery that lined the walls.
  6. Embracing the huge cylinder, as closely as possible, with his arms and knees, seizing with his hands some projections, and resting his naked toes upon others, Jupiter, after one or two narrow escapes from falling, at length wriggled himself into the first great fork, and seemed to consider the whole business as virtually accomplished.
  7. A huge beige cylinder lay across her living room floor.
  8. He also hoped that whatever was in the cylinder had not been damaged.
  9. I took a step closer to the nearest cylinder, trying to see through the blurry material.
  10. I averted my eyes, but that only brought my gaze to the tubes snaking away from her cylinder, carrying her blood out of her veins.